Welcome to my review about a male enhancement pill called Extenze that has some very high expectations and claims to be the perfect alternative treatment for erectile dysfunction.
If you are a gymnast or an athlete of any kind Extenze is not a good Idea because it contains something called DHEA which is banned in any professional sports because its known as a performance enhancer.
This pill is a very popular male enhancement pill but it contains an ingredient that I know has a bad reputation and can cause side effects. In my review i’m going to look at if this pill works and if the risks of this ingredient are worth it.
Table of Contents
The Company
The company that has designed and developed these pills are called Leading Edge Health. This company is a large company with a wide range of different supplements and health products.
Company Claims
The company says that it offers the user the following results from taking this sex pill…
A bigger and harder erection,
Better that you have ever experienced sexual pleasure,
Very Intense Electrifying orgasms,
longer lasting sex sessions,
A Better sexual response,
Feel like a teenager again.
These are the main claims on the Official Extenze website where you can purchase this pill.
The Ingredients
There are many ingredients crammed into this male enhancement pill some of them are well known for helping with a mans sexual performance.
But there are a few that are included that may put you off taking this pill.
Black Pepper (seed)
this is also known as black pepper seed or is more commonly called bioperine. This is included in many enhancement pills because its speeds up your metabolic rate and helps your body to absorb the other nutrients faster.
Yohimbe extract (bark)
Yohimbe is the bark from the Yohimbine tree that is found in parts of Africa. This bark is actually very effective for improving erection quality but has been known to cause side effects. I would not advise taking any pill with this included for long periods of time.
This is a chemical that is produced by your body. When supplementing with this chemical it may increase energy, reduce fatigue and lift your mood.
Zinc (as oxide)
Zinc is a trace metal element this is also in your body in very tiny amounts. supplementing with zinc helps to boost your testosterone levels, boost libido and is used in almost all male enhancement pills that I have used. High dosages of zinc can cause side effects so I recommend sticking to the guided dosages with any pill that includes zinc.
Folate (folic acid)
This is also known as vitamin B and boosts blood flow helping you get a better erection and increases energy levels.
Ginger (root)
This is the root of the ginger plant which is known as a common spice that is used in cooking. Ginger root boosts blood flow which helps improve erection quality and decrease’s the risk of impotence.B
Micronized DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
This is a chemical that your body produces. As you age your body doesn’t produce as much. Supplementing with DHEA boosts athletic performance, increases strength, and boosts testosterone levels in men. It does this so well this ingredient is actually banned for any athletes to use before or during sports.
Velvet Deer Antler
Velvet Deer Antler does actually come from deer antler. This is used in supplements to boost athletic performance, strength and endurance. It boosts the sex hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone.
Horny Goat Weed
Horny Goat Weed is a plant that is known as the Epimedium plant. It got its name horny goat weed from goats eating the weed and it made them horny this made people believe that that it would give the same effect for humans.
Supplementing with Goat weed is good for boosting performance, libido and sex drive and is known as a natural PDE5 Inhibitor. Which means it works in a similar way to viagra. The results are slower and there are no reported side effects.
Liquorice Extract
Liquorice is normally a popular sweet that you may have had before. There are some great sexual benefits for liquorice such as increasing sex drive and libido and may regulate testosterone levels in the body
Damiana is a small shrub tree that is found growing in parts of Mexico. People believe supplementing with the dried and crushed up leaves of this plant is a natural aphrodisiac. High dosages of damiana can have some bad side effects so I recommend sticking to the guided dose of any supplement that includes this.
Ho Shou Wu Extract
This is a Chinese herb that has been used for thousands of years. Supplementing with this herb is said to increase male libido and boost semen quality.
This is another plant the part of the plant that is used in supplements is the root. Supplementing with the root of this plant is said to boost blood circulation and improve erection quality.
Stinging Nettle
This is the root from the stinging nettle plant. It is used in supplements to help your body naturally produce more testosterone and is great for prostate health.
L-Arginine is an amino acid that your body normally gets from eating high protein foods. Supplementing with this ingredient boost blood flow improving a mens erection giving you a stronger and harder erection. This is also known for promoting heart health keeping your heart healthy and strong.
This is a mineral that is mined from the ground. Supplementing with this boosts testosterone.
Pumpkin (seed)
These are the seeds that come from the pumpkin. These are full of nutrients like many other seeds they are a great antioxidant that may be great for boosting a variety of sexual functions.
Muira Puama Extract
Muira Puama is the wood and root of a plant. Supplementing with this is great for guys that suffer with erectile dysfunction. It is also used as an aphrodisiac.
Ingredients Overview
As you can see there are many different ingredients crammed into these pills. Many of them are perfect for sexual problems and have many benefits. Yohimbe although it works very well for improving erections it can cause side effects and taking it for long periods of time can damage your liver.
Also DHEA is a banned substance if you take part in any kind of professional sports because it boosts athletic performance.
The dosage instructions are simple when taking Extenze. The recommended intake is one pill per day this is a daily supplement so you take it daily with a glass of water and is best to take before or with a meal.
Side Effects
When I used this supplement I only took it for a month and I did get some similar side effects as I have had from taking Viagra in the past. I think the reason for this is the ingredient included called Yohimbe it is known to cause some side effects.
I had slight headaches at times and some flushing when using extenze.
I have heard that not everyone get side effects from taking extenze but there is a possibility.
The Benefits
- Very fast working for a daily supplement
- Money back guarantee if you buy from the website I recommend.
- Does Improve erection quality very quickly.
- Many Proven Ingredients.
- Very popular male enhancement pill.
- One of the included ingredients yohimbe is Known to Cause some side effects,
- DHEA is banned from use if you compete in any professional sports or are an athlete of any kind.
- Daily supplement has to be taken daily for the maximum benefits.
I only used this pill for one month and I did have some minor side effects. Thats not to say this pill is not effective because it did improve my erection quality and did it very quickly.
I started to see results in around two days of taking Extenze. My erections were hard my sexual stamina and libido started to improve all within the first week of using this sex pill.
Results Overview
My results were very good with Extenze but the only thing that put me off this male enhancement pill was the side effects.
Where To Buy This Product?
This product is available from many different websites and is also available in many different shops.
The website I brought this pill from offers a 67 day money back guarantee and it looks like this…
I will say that there are many counter-fit copies of this pill around so its best to buy it from a website you know or a trusted shop. You are safe buying it from the website I purchased extenze from.
I recommend taking extenze for 1 month plus to get the full benefits. I also wouldn’t recommend taking this pill daily for more than a year because it could be bad for your health.
You will make massive savings on the larger packages the more you order the more money you will save.
If you are looking for a fast & effective male enhancement pill and you don’t mind the risk of side effects you can click the link below to buy extenze from a trusted website.
Shipping Details And Order Process
Ordering extenze is simple on the website I used which is www.buyextenze.com. Shipping is free if you live in the USA but you do have to pay for shipping if you live any where else.
I received my package within three days from placing my order and It was in plain packaging. It showed up on my card statement as “leadingedgehealth.com”. This company is discreet and professional.
The cost for each package are different and the bigger package you order the better your discount.
One box will cost you $59.95 and this package is a one month supply.
Two boxes is a two month supply and will cost you $109.95
Three boxes is a three month supply which will cost $159.95
And the largest package that they offer is six boxes which is a six month supply for $309.95
Discount Codes
There are currently no discount codes for Extenze. The company does sometimes add discount codes if they release a fresh coupon code I will update this section of my review.
The Bottom Line
My thoughts on this supplement is that it is very effective for male enhancement and it does work very fast for a daily supplement. If you compete in any Olympic sports or are an athlete of any kind do not use this pill.
The one thing that put me off this supplement is that it did give me some slight side effects. If you don’t mind the risk of side effects go ahead and try Extenze.
Click Here Buy Extenze For The BEST DEAL
Best Male Enhancement Pills
If you want a pill that is just as effective as Extenze but does not give you any risk of side effects you should look at my top 3 rated male enhancement pills.